Thursday, January 14, 2010

Rosie the Camel

Rosie the camel has not humps...Rosie is a ... goat?
Here are some pictures of Rosie from the last few weeks. She had an eventful first Christmas with a trip to the emergency room in Kingston because she ate something uneatable. Why? Who knows...she's a goat. She also enjoys climbing on anything...another goat characteristic. So lets review...she was a sausage, a potato with legs, a baby hippo, a fruit bat and now a goat. I'm still waiting for the lab that we thought we had purchased.
Anyways, on to the cute stuff. Here she is in her chair. It is on a swivel and because she jumps into it with so much enthusiasm she spends half her life looking at the wall. This is still her favourite sleep spot. Here she is cuddling with yellow bunny (I know, original name).
Too cute!

Finally, she has taken to hanging out with farm animals. This is her new rubber chicken that our neighbour gave her. I think she hates us!

Make sure to turn on the sound or you can not appreciate the wonderful chicken noises.

1 comment:

  1. I was going to buy Kloe one of those rubber chickens.... but now I'm convinced it's a bad idea :P

    You'll be pleased to know however... that Kloe not only sleeps in my bed with me now, but she also takes up the entire couch while we chill in the evenings, because I sit in a big reclining chair... so she just sprawls on the couch.
